
Showing posts from May, 2010

Keeping veterans safe

Going negative

17 states report CLABSI rates. Why only 17?

And the winner is...

Microbiologic myopia

ASM General Meeting

Lunch Break: How to be a good mentor or hospital epidemiologist

Practical Healthcare Epidemiology, 3rd Edition

So sorry

PPIs: The Hospital Epidemiologist's New Challenge?

Why your friends spread influenza and you don't

S. epidermidis vs. S. aureus: Who's the winner?

Scientists create new bacteria out of nothing

Guidelines and conflict of interest

Lunch Break: How not to wash your hands - "Händewaschen"

The limitations of technology

Did someone get fired for using NHSN or NNIS definitions to count CLABSIs?

MRSA active surveillance: It just doesn't make sense

Public reporting of HAIs in Illinois

What if all S. aureus was MRSA?

What in the world?

Hurry up, CDC

Another benefit of hand hygiene!

No MRSA here (part 2)

T. whipplei in toddler gastroenteritis

Should a hospital epidemiologist buy an iPad?


Running a hospital without clean water

Holy crap!

Obesity and surgical site infections

Calling all hand hygiene observers!