
Showing posts from 2012

The Fact-Filled Infection Control Guideline - A New Year's Wish


The lunacy continues

Happy Holidays from CHIP

Should we go over (to) the Cliff?

"At the end of the day, the drug companies own medicine"

Trouble at the Pittsburgh VA

Moving away from contact precautions

Contact precautions: who wins, who loses?

Stuff we can't talk about

My thoughts exactly...

Thanks Teresa!

Beware of dishes!

An outbreak linked to a cardiac surgeon

Don't be one, get one...

(Updated!) What you missed in Infection Prevention: December 6, 2012

Infection Control Image of the Day

The ghosts of the "prior room occupant"

The World Needs a Strong CDC!

Stopping CRE: Where there's a will, there's a way?

Prevention and Public Health Fund, still a political football

Montgomery County is now in the loop!

Riding the epidemic curve to glory, WGS edition

Don't let authors control for factors in the causal pathway!

Q: What are Iowans doing to prevent hospital-acquired infections?

Shocking: Another review of the evidence finds flu vaccine has no miracle powers

MRSA in water treatment plants! Panic?!

Not another damn map!

New twist in the outbreak due to contaminated pharmaceuticals

Hikers and hand hygiene

Fungal meningitis outbreak still unfolding

Best Hand Hygiene Signs Ever!! - This time I really mean it!

Presenteeism - Don't Come to Work Sick!

Thanks Jenn!

The boiling frog and antibacterial resistance