
Showing posts from May, 2012

(Twinrix x 2) x 3 = (0.95) HBsAb+

When antibiograms mislead

NIH Embraces Hand Hygiene - VIDEO!!!

Weekend wrap-up

Postmodern infection prevention

Outbreak at the rodeo

HIV PEP: The sooner, the better

Value versus return on investment

More antibiotics NOT more better in sepsis

The Yang to Handwashing's Yin: Drying Your Hands

Another nosocomial hepatitis C outbreak

Antibiotics are dangerous

The Changing Face of Transmission Prevention

News flash: Patients don't like isolation precautions!

Myopic consequences

Epidemiological surveillance testing is a waste


Are you pro procalcitonin?

Hygiene rules

Dawn of the age of untreatable infections? NDM-1 in India

The blogging professor

Are contact precautions headed for extinction?

Friday afternoon blogging from Deltaville

San Francisco Lab Worker Dies of Lab-acquired Meningococcus