May The 5th Be With You - #SafeSurgicalHands

There are so many commemorative days, that I sometimes get them confused. We just missed Star Wars Day and today (May 5th) is even International Day of the Midwife, which seems appropriate if you understand the Semmelweis story - his control group was a maternity ward staffed by female midwives with one-fifth the mortality compared to the doctor/medical student ward.

Which brings us to a very important day in infection prevention - 5th of May - WHO Hand Hygiene Day! I can't do better than Professor Didier Pittet when talking about hand hygiene, so I've added his video above and provided his letter with important links for #SafeSurgicalHands below.  Thank you all for what you're doing to create a safer healthcare environment starting with clean hands.

Dear All,

I am pleased to invite you to celebrate the WHO Hand Hygiene Day in Healthcare on 5 May 2016.

The 2016 year campaign promotes #SafeSurgicalHands on Twitter and Instagram.

All WHO tools to participate are available at:

Post your photos/selfies at :

Safe Hands in Surgery-WHO 2016 message together with colleagues surgeons:

#SafeSurgicalHands Pictures' Wall (updated in real time):

Additional educative videos are accessible at:
I am looking forward to seeing you all participating.
Let’s improve hand hygiene, reduce infections, limit resistance and save lives.

With best wishes,
Professor Didier Pittet


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