Join The Race Against Resistance

This is a guest post from Judy Guzman-Cottrill. Dr. Guzman-Cottrill is a Professor of Pediatrics at Oregon Health & Science University and also an infection prevention and healthcare epidemiology consultant for the Oregon Health Authority’s HAI Program, where she serves as the Medical Director for Ebola and Emerging Pathogen Preparedness. 

Last week Judy and I attended a SHEA Foundation Board Meeting where, during strategic planning discussions, this important fundraising event was discussed. I hope you can run, ride or contribute! - EP

It’s time to dust off those running shoes and road bikes! Last year, the SHEA Education & Research Foundation (ERF) organized its first Race Against Resistance Fundraiser, and it was a great success. Runners raised over $23,500 for new SHEA ERF Scholarships, and these scholarships are currently open for applications, with a May 5th deadline.

Given the great success in establishing these new scholarships, we are now planning the 2017 Race Against Resistance! We would like to expand the volunteers to both runners and cyclists. Participants choose a local non-charity race between SHEA Spring 2017 and IDWeek 2017.  Funds raised will continue to support SHEA ERF-sponsored education opportunities in the field of antibiotic stewardship. The top fundraisers (and affiliated hospital) will be recognized at the SHEA Business Meeting as a part of IDWeek 2017. The race must be pre-approved by SHEA organizers, and all participants must finalize their race selection by March 30, 2017 to be listed on a competition webpage for fundraising purposes. Please contact Kristy Weinshel at to become a 2017 fundraiser, or if you’d like more details.

Are you wondering who raised the $23,500 last year? Here are last year’s racers and how much they were able to fundraise for SHEA ERF scholarships!


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