Post #610: Happy "Get Smart About Antibiotics Week" (November 15-21, 2010)

Man, have we done a lot of posting in the past 1.5 years.  I think Dan and Mike will agree with me here when I say that none of our posts have been as important as this one.  None.  The reason for this is that I'm announcing a whole 7 days of celebrating and not just one day. The world has witnessed Global Handwashing DayWorld Hand Hygiene Day, and World MRSA Day this past year.

But notice, these were just on single days.  Thus, we can officially announce that the smart use of antibiotics is 7 times more important than MRSA and 7/2 or 3.5 times more important than the domain of handwashing/hand hygiene. These are two questions that as an epidemiologist I've been struggling to answer for 10+ years and now I finally know.  While it is true that this is the 3rd annual "Get Smart About Antibiotics Week" and I should have officially known this two years ago, I do like to wait for "replication of results" or reproducibility before drawing a firm conclusion on such important questions. Alright everybody, get ready and Get Smart about antibiotics!


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