Does anyone want this vaccine? Anyone? Anyone?

Mike has already mentioned the reluctance of both health care workers and general public to receive the nH1N1 vaccine. We’ve received the live attenuated version only so far, and I can tell you that we are having a very hard time giving it away to our health care workers. Among those eligible for the nH1N1 LAIV, there is very little enthusiasm and a lot of unfounded fear. Yes, we need to do a better job of combating misinformation, but the level of sheer BS circulating about this particular vaccine is breathtaking.

There is an interesting piece in Slate that documents the bipartisan nature of the balderdash. My favorite examples are: that the government is using the H1N1 scare to implant microchips in our bodies, and that the vaccine contains a “Bible Code” connecting the pandemic to the Book of Revelation.


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