Oxymoron of the Day

A new white coat design greeted me this morning when I arrived at the office. One that I'm sure Mike will call me about immediately to order for his hospital! We all know how much he loves white coats. (that's a joke if you are new around here)

I've already stated previously, that I don't know what a metaphor is, so it won't be a surprise to you that I'm not sure if this coat qualifies as a true oxymoron, a physical oxymoron or is just ironic. I do think it sums up my feelings towards infection prevention these days. We are driven by the desire for zero infections, which while good in theory, can have unintended negative consequences. This white coat is a perfect example: Good for education (although I suspect that is debatable) and bad for spreading pathogenic bacteria (MSSA, MRSA, Acinetobacter) from patient to patient.

Anyway, Dan's post below is more interesting, so please move along.


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